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MyokosanCOOL DIAMOND純米吟醸原酒
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Myokozan has an image of having a classic axis, but this one has a modern, light sweet/acid axis at first, and after a few days, it becomes a classic axis just as it is supposed to be. The bitterness is low, but the sharpness is good, probably due to the alcohol content, and the lingering taste is slightly sweet and umami. The sake highball at 1:1 tastes like a sake shochu highball without the peculiarities of the sake. If you chill it in the freezer until it is almost frozen, the sweetness and umami taste is reduced and it becomes something with a strong alcohol taste and a refreshing sake flavor, which I don't like. If you warm it up to lukewarm, the alcohol attack is stronger, and I don't like that either. This is the first brand that I have found that I like best with a sake highball, which is interesting!