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Ishikawa, Hakusan City. Kurumada Brewery Co. Noto Hatsusakura + Tengumai - Sake Brewery in Noto - Supporting the Reconstruction of the Sake Brewery Sakurada Brewery was destroyed by the Noto earthquake. This sake is a blend of Noto Hatsusakura Honjozo and Tengumai, which miraculously survived. Drinking sake from the disaster area may help us not to forget the disaster area, which is no longer reported in the news, and not to think of it as someone else's problem. With these thoughts in mind, we drink the sake to support the recovery. I drink it cold. The color is clear and you can clearly see the yellow color. The top aroma is of grains and alkaloids. The mouthfeel is smooth and acidic on the tongue with a slight tartness from the tartness. Along with the alcohol aroma that passes softly into the nose, the umami with the sourness of the rice expands. After swallowing, you will feel a slight alcohol taste. Even though it is a honjozo, it is well-balanced and delicious 😋. Wishing for a quick return of peace and recovery 🙏. Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewers' alcohol Alcohol content: 15%.