
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

  • 川鶴
  • 川鶴
Jan 25, 2022 2:34 PM
ヒラッチョえりりんくにぽんポンちゃんうまいうまいSatochanみやぞーboukenAlheybow遥瑛チチsuperbebeゆうじT-Kaji紫の誇MantaMAJRafa papaジェイ&ノビィはなぴんひろし鮭酒鮭まえちんtakeshonsnowTAKA2デューク澁澤KazKazおやじぃ孝九蔵うたさなD兄貴たくぼんマナチーおかえり寅さん雅たけっちのちをひっさんKTK2002まーさんx777303たっく0103おふじぼうすけspkhRigel8111koge2Soulbappuchiflos_lingua_est鯵の亮sugiはりねずみゆう🎶としちゃんテモヤンKent Leungよいどれ♪pyonpyonsatohawaii_kaiしんちゃんJaytkmtsTsugukichiめりおの日本酒録おうどんパン麺酒王さんすけ熊谷 朋之リアリストアツ0053兎御殿寿梨庵KatsuヒデしんじょうちゃんまやPかれぎゅう山さん、まめうめ
  • Milan HauserType: honjozo, nigori, rice: Kagawa rice, polishing rate: 70%, SMV: -7, acidity: 5, alc.: 6% This sake seems to be very popular so I wanted to try it. It is tasty and easy to drink because of low alcohol content and fruity flavor. Aroma is apple, citrus fruit and yogurt. Mouthfeel is velvety and milky. Flavor is sour. Notes of green apples and yogurt, no burn from alcohol. Tastes like Yacult or apple or pineapple flavored yougurt drink. I read that it uses 3 times more koji to make this sake.

Milan Hauser is using Sakenowa. Why don't you start using it too?