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Morishima美山錦 瓶燗火入純米吟醸
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100% Miyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. The aroma is subdued and the color is clear and colorless. The first sip has a fruity flavor reminiscent of melon. It is sweeter than the last hi-yeased Hitanishiki and has a slight gaseous taste. When I started Sake-no-wa, my goal was to upload Morishima in the month of production since it is shipped every month, but this Miyamanishiki Hi-ire was also produced in August, but like last month, it was delayed to be opened the following month. Since it is also a brand that I buy in 1-sho bottles without hesitation, once the opening is delayed, it is difficult to get back to the original schedule.