SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kanbee清酒 本醸造
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I was trying out some value-priced lunch drinks during the New Year's holiday, and I was curious about the sake the person next to me ordered. A manufacturer I didn't know at all. It's smooth and clean. A hint of apple? It's like a light white wine and it's crisp. It's so cheap and so easy to drink that it's almost dangerous. Sake! Honjozo! When you hear the words "sake" and "honjozo", you tend to think of something with a strong alcoholic or mirin-like flavor (the prejudice of someone who doesn't know anything about sake). But it's not like that at all. It's much better than a can of Strong. It was good with oyster vinegar. It would also go well with fried fish and yakitori salt skewers.