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Mizubasho Check-in 1Mizubasho Check-in 2
I finally bought a bottle of Basho Ginjo Dry Sparkling, which I had been curious about, on an extremely hot day. ‼️ As expected, it is originally dry, but sparkling and gorgeous, with a shwashy medium mouthfeel that makes it easy to guzzle. It tastes fresh, lush, and slightly rummy, just like the color of the bottle, the shape of the label, and the image of skunk cabbage as a flower. It goes well with teppanyaki on a summer day. ❣️ It makes grilled eggplant soaked in plenty of oil come alive. It is perfect on a hot day when you want to eat something fatty to strengthen your body. Please try it in summer by all means 😋 Please finish it on the day you open the bottle as it is a fizzy beer 🤗.