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Sake from Aga-machi, a hidden rice-producing town in the Shimoetsu region of Niigata Prefecture. It is a famous sake that has won the overwhelming support of the local people😊. I haven't had it in a while... and it's delicious! This is the royal road of Niigata sake. It is clean, unobtrusive, understated, and retains a strong presence. It is the best food sake. Aga-machi, located in the mountains, is said to produce good rice due to the difference in temperature between cold and hot (Koshihikari produced in Aga-machi is delicious! Highly recommended!) The first year of the project was the first year of the new year. In addition, the winters are quite cold, making it an ideal environment for making Niigata sake, which has a beautiful flavor and requires long-term fermentation at low temperatures. Generally, people tend to focus on Minamiuonuma when talking about Niigata as a "rice-producing region," but Aga-machi is also very good.