SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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My first sake in a while was Toyo Bijin! Since I had also purchased Aizan from Jundo Isshu, I thought it would be nice to compare the drinks, so I bought Sake Mirai! (I couldn't buy Kangiku Sake Mirai, so I chose Sake Mirai💦laughs) (I couldn't buy Kangiku Sake Mirai, so I chose Sake Mirai 💦) The taste is mild, with a slight alcohol taste that lingers after drinking. It has a little sweetness, no sourness, no bitterness, but a mild rice-like taste that lingers after drinking. Although the alcohol content is 16%, it is a low-alcohol summer sake, so you can drink it easily 😳. If the sweetness is added to it, it might be my favorite sake! 3.8-4.0/5