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Ine to Agave交酒 花風
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The 2nd lot of Hanakaze, which has been talked about since the beginning of this year, has more sharpness than the 1st lot, according to the liquor store. The aroma of the beer is fragrant straight from the bottle, and in a glass it has a juicy aroma dominated by muscat, although some barley is present. When you drink it, the sweetness of muscat comes with a pinpoint, and then the aroma of barley and beer-like savory bitterness spreads and passes through your nose. But strangely enough, the taste itself is not too bitter. This is delicious. I can't stop guzzling it. But it's definitely higher than beer at 14 degrees...which is lower than sake, so I guess it's okay. The next day and after, it was still shuwa shuwa shuwa. It's the most unadulterated muscat I've had recently. Juicy clear muscat and grapefruit. Amazing. Even though the fizziness is gone, it's still totally refreshing and drinkable. I'd buy this again if I see it again...
Good evening, Kotaro! I've been wanting to drink it but missed out 😓I'll definitely get the 2nd lot that comes out in July 😤I've read the reviews and it looks delicious 😋I'll be buying it this week. ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! This was as good as the rumors say and I hope you enjoy it 🥳 Even though it's a classic, it's sold out as soon as it comes in: 😵‍💫 Please dash to the liquor store this week 😆✨