Koshinoroku Haku" is a new genre of sake that is a well-balanced blend of sake from six representative Niigata sake breweries: Takano Shuzo "Hakuro", Niigata Daiichi Shuzo "Koshinohakucho", Nakagawa Shuzo "Echino Hakugan", Yahiko Shuzo "Koshino Hakusetsu", Hakuryu Shuzo "Hakuryu" and Shirotaki Shuzo "Shirotaki".
It has a light, refreshing taste with a moderate sweetness and acidity that is typical of Niigata, and although it is alky, it also has a strong rice flavor, with a hint of lime and a slight green bamboo aroma.
Cooked rice, lime, cypress, and a hint of green bamboo