Kawatsuru Sake Brewery, Kagawa Prefecture...
Mizu-Hashiroshi" x "Yeast additive-free" x "Second fermentation in the bottle
Two types of sake were brewed at the same time using the same rice, and each brewing method, mizu-hashiroshi in Nara and Okayama, was different.
The basic taste is similar to the "KAWATSURU NORA MIZUMOTO-K" I posted yesterday...
Koji (Okayama)" - Fresh aroma, strong sweetness, slightly gaseous
Raw rice (Nara) - Sweet aroma, soft sweetness, strong gasiness
The "Koji (Okayama)" has a fresh aroma, a strong sweetness, and a slightly mild gassiness.
The low alcohol content makes it easy to gobble... This is an "adult cream soda"... I wish I could have a cream soda with it.
Ingredient rice: ・・・・ 100% Ooseto produced in Kagawa prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 55
Yeast used: No yeast added
Sake meter (sake meter) -17 (very sweet)
Acidity: ・・・・・1.7
Alcohol content・・・12度
Limited to 980 bottles