August 4, 2023
Evening drinks at home.
Drinking sake to empty the fridge.
The first bottle was ALIENS GALAXY 2023 brewed by the Takagi Sake Brewery in Kochi.
The first bottle was ALIENS GALAXY 2023 brewed by the Kochi
The first bottle was ALIENS GALAXY 2023 brewed by Kochi Brewery. The first bottle is ALIENS GALAXY 2023 brewed by Kochi Brewery.
The first bottle was ALIENS GALAXY 2023 brewed by Takagi Brewery in Kochi Prefecture.
Kochi yeast, which spent about 10 days on the space station, and rice suitable for sake brewing from Kochi.
and rice suitable for sake brewing from Kochi Prefecture. This is the fourth year for the brand.
I bought a bottle of the brand, which is now in its fourth year, following last year's purchase.
I tried to buy it again last year, but it was frozen due to a
I tried to buy it again last year, but it arrived at my home frozen due to a shipping mistake.
I bought it again last year, but it arrived at home as frozen sake due to a shipping mistake (lol). I heard that the flavor changes when it is frozen.
I heard that the flavor changes when it is frozen, but as far as I can compare it with
but as far as I compare it with last year's, there seems to be no deterioration.
but compared to last year's sake, it does not seem to have deteriorated that much. It smells like apples when you open your mouth.
Aroma: Aroma of apples. It has a balance of sweetness and sharpness
the balance of sweetness and sharpness is
It is delicious with a good balance of sweetness and sharpness. As the temperature rises
the sweetness, bitterness, and alcohol taste
and alcohol taste increases. A little sweeter than last year?
a little sweeter than last year? Toro Bincho Tuna Tataki, Bigeye Tuna Tataki
Tuna tataki, tuna tataki with more or less meat of bigeye tuna, and
I enjoyed it with sashimi of
I enjoyed it with sashimi of