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AramasaNo.6 紫舟type原酒生酒貴醸酒発泡
ariccySince it's the day of the No. 6... It's not so much a No.6 as it is the latest release from Private Lab. It has an acidity of lactic acid and a sweet and sour aroma like Japanese pear, which is a little rare for No.6. The sourness on the palate is stronger than that of Flax Kitten and Heki Frog, and close to that of Flax Cat Spark. As it is a noble sake, it is comparatively sweet but not too sweet, just right balance with soft sweetness and carbonation. Lactic acidity and fruity acidity are cleverly fused, and the mild and elegant acidity comes afterwards, refreshing and very delicious! My personal experience with sparkling sake is that many of them have a strong rice-based taste, but it's hard to find one with such a clean, sweet and clear taste. I would love to see this become a standard product. If you're so inclined, a Yono-Tori Spark might be interesting! It's too good and too easy to drink, and I'm already on my last glass while reviewing it... I can't wait for the next No. 6!
香穏kanonGood evening, ariccy! Shinsei matsuri wasshoi! That's right 😆👍. It looks like a good sake for this season🎶.