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Shichihon'yari木ノ環 武者修行 木桶仕込 松本日出彦 別誂
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This is the fourth one purchased from Kaki Numa's online shop. The first Shichibondari❗. Also, this sake is from a collaboration with a toji who used to brew Sawaya Matsumoto. You can't help but expect this 🎵! The aroma is sweet and reminiscent of bananas. The alcohol in it? Semedyne? I'm not sure if it's a bad thing or not. Personally, I don't think it bothers me. The mouthfeel is easy to drink because of the low alcohol content (13%), and the sourness is strong. Therefore, the impression is moderate sweetness. It is a dangerous sake that is very tasty and can be drunk easily 🎵.