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Wakagoma雄町90 無加圧採り 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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I've almost decided what drinks I want to drink in the cold storage on the first floor. So I went to the second floor around here. I found a few more brands on the second floor that I'm a little curious about 💡. Let's have these two sakes! Wakakoma is a first for me! And in honor of Tochigi Prefecture 🎩! I will be attending the Moka Junior High School reunion today! It's a day trip, though 🤫. Wakakoma is a sake brewery in Oyama. Is this a transfer station for train travel? Let's get off at Kitayama station and take a peek at a certain sake brewery while we're at it! Today, they offer free sake tasting and free sake brewery tours! I heard there is also a Mashiko pottery event! I digress, Wakakoma is a very popular and light sake 🍶. I'll have this brand again in the future when I find it 🍶. knowledge Rice] Omachi 90% polished rice Alcohol content】17%. Tochigi yeast T-ND T-S Sake meter] Not open to the public Acidity] Not disclosed