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ZakuFLINT 純米吟釀純米吟醸
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Sake mania
FLINT The name is based on the story of an ancient hero named Yama-ton Takeru (ヤマトタケル), who was appointed by the emperor to lead an eastern expedition. On his way to the east, he was encouraged by the empress Umemoto and was given the "Tenjungun Sword" and the "Gobu". When he was passing through the Sagami area, he was ambushed by an enemy, and in the midst of the danger, he used his sword to cut down the grass and used the flint in his bag to set it on fire, successfully defeating the enemy in ambush. The story goes that after his death, he was buried and flew to the heavens as a "white bird of great wisdom", which is the white bird on the label of a bottle of sake, and this bottle of sake became the "flint" in his bag. FLINT Junmai Ginjo is brewed using Mie Prefecture's Yamada Nishiki, which has a round, rich aroma and a refreshing, clean taste. Serving: Cold, Tempered Taste: fruity, slightly spicy, refreshing and smooth with a touch of sweetness.