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Kazenomori山田錦 807
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Have you conquered much of the Kaze no Mori series? Kaze no Mori has done away with the specific name sake such as "Junmai" or "Junmai Ginjo," and is now labeled "Junmai Nara-shu. The name "80" means 80% polished rice and "7" means No. 7 yeast. I had been drinking it without knowing it. Since it is unfiltered, unpasteurized, unpasteurized sake, it contains a small amount of carbon dioxide gas, which can cause the cork to blow out when the bottle is opened. It never blows up as much as when you open it with trepidation. It has a gorgeous flavor typical of Yamadanishiki, but is it because it is made from low-polished rice and fermented at a very low temperature for a long time? It is light and refreshing. It is also good that the price is set so that you don't feel nervous. I am so happy to be drinking at this hour on a weekday!