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Shichihon'yari低精白純米 80%精米 生原酒純米原酒生酒
Shichihon'yari Check-in 1
He was defeated two years ago, pointing out the lack of flavor, and is eager for revenge. Jacket value ... 5/10 Brown bottle with light brown label. 80% polished rice. Ki ... 10/20 The hue is 80% and the transparency is 80 ≦ due to the 80% rice polishing. The smell is a piercing Alc, and it has a strong barley syochu liqueur feeling, not just a heavy one. Sei... 14/20 As the record of the first half of the match, it lacks umami, but it has a sublimation smell that gradually rises. Change... 12/20 The dryness is there, but it's a little too dry. Yui ... 16/20 Leaving aside the aroma component, the Alc sensation in the nose is pleasant with a cool sensation. The aftertaste is "astringent. Cost... 6/10 It is not expensive, but I am not sure if it is in the same price range. The smell is surprisingly sublimated, like green cedar wood. It is surprisingly sublimated smell, like cedar green wood. 63 points
The unexpected smell of sublimation was a big shock to me, and I had no choice but to enjoy it. However, the aftertaste left me with a headache, and I ended up with a chemical taste on my tongue, which was disappointing. In short, it's the kind of thing that will upset my stomach tomorrow.