From Kawatsuru Shuzo in Kagawa Prefecture...
The "NORA" series is a sake that directly expresses the current Kawatsuru's environment (raw materials, water, microorganisms, and technology)!
The first sake of this R4BY season is a Junmai Ginjyo made from 100% Sanuki Yomai produced in Kagawa Prefecture and brewed using the "Namahashidashi" method!
The aroma is mild and smooth on the palate, and when you take a sip, the gentle, full flavor of Sanuki Iyomai fills your mouth.
The sweetness like ripe pears is well balanced by the mild acidity, the juiciness of the sake, and the slight gassiness that still remains.
The refined and clear quality of the sake and the low alcohol content of 13 degrees make it slide down your throat smoothly.
It is recommended to be served moderately chilled, but if you warm it up a little, the flavor and sweetness will expand and become even juicier!
Ingredient rice: ・・・・ 100% Sanuki Iyomai from Kagawa Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 58
Sake meter degree: -7 (very sweet)
Acidity: ・・・・・1.7
Yeast used・・・No yeast added
Alcohol content・・・13度
Limited to 600 bottles