How to turn your own liquor. Hallelujah's Sake? I buy the basic four-pack bottles, and I always have a 2k or so bottle of 1-square-meter bottle to drink cold, which seems to go with everything. I keep this one relatively easy to get, so I always have a hard time choosing one, and that's a nice problem to have...
This time we chose Maizuru from Onda Shuzo, probably the smallest brewery in Nagaoka. The Tsuzumi series is a line of speciality that uses their own grown Ipponzime. This is one of the brewery's recommended bottles, which is 88% polished and has no alcohol content.
At 18% alcohol, it's a big-boned beer with a great feel to it. It has a rich taste with miscellaneous flavors, sourness, rice flavor and bitterness. I thought this would be a warmed-up version, and when I tried it at about the human skin level, it wasn't quite warmed up, but it turned out to be crisp and dry. I'll try raising the temperature in various ways.