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Kotsuzumi丹波杜氏 純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I was excited to get a high class of Kozumi, because she is my favorite child, and I thought I could not go wrong. Jacket value... 6/10 I can understand what it says more than usual. Ki ... 10/20 The hue is a light golden yellow, and there is almost no smell. I'm more interested in what will happen to this momentary feeling of kijoshu. The approach is clearly different from the kotsuzumi I know. Sei... 10/20 The taste may be classified as fruity, but the Alc sensation on the tongue is high. This discomfort...or perhaps the sensation is that it is an apricot syochu liqueur... ⁈The mysterious smell of aging sublimation begins to assert itself loudly... Change ... 10/20 The end of the sublimation smell is the Alc smell...to be frank, I don't want freshness...it is the peak of the sweetness that runs over the tongue...well, it feels like a fruit wine...the Alc attack is very tricky...it is a little too much... Yui... 12/20 The sublimation smell is quickly gone, and the Alc smell is asserted as a lingering aroma. The aftertaste is, dare I say, refreshing? Cospa ... 2/10 Buy the regular series without hesitation! The aroma immediately after the first sip is astonishing (in a bad way). I am convinced today that the price is not proportional to the level of satisfaction. 50 points
The description says, "Please enjoy the fruity aroma and sharp sweetness of this sake cold," but I felt it was better when the temperature was higher, as the mysterious, uncomfortable fruitiness was lessened. In a sense, it is amazing...