SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The main snack of the day is - Holy shit! Deep fried soft shell crab🊀 ^ ^. The crab had been in the freezer for months waiting for its turn to be served, and I was wondering which sake would go best with the sake we have in the house... and I chose this nigori sake 🍶♪ Ah! I remembered that when I had fried soft shell crab a few months ago (this is the other half of the time ^ ^), it was special junmai Kita-Akita🍶 (๑˃˃˃). It was a coincidental choice of sake from the same brewery. It was a delicious sake with a slightly sweet, smooth, and pleasant texture that was really easy to drink and perfect for the seasonal firefly squid and spring cabbage.
Good evening, mamiko! Your dish looks so good! And it's a very versatile drink that goes with a lot of things 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I can't get enough of this moment when I say, "I'm going to have a drink, I'm going to have a snack, I'm going to have another drink (*ÂŽ-`), and then I'm going to have another drink (*ÂŽ-`), and then I'm going to have another drink (๑˃˃˃˃).
mamiko, konbanha! I hope you are enjoying your sake 😋. Kita Akita is an easy to buy sake that can be found in supermarkets, but I can't get my hands on it yet:((:) Surprisingly it's not too spicy 😆.
Erin, good evening. I often see Kita Akita in mass merchandisers and I just pick it up ^ ^ ^. I've only had a few different kinds, but I think they are all slightly sweet, refreshing, and easy to drink... ♪