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Aged wine😳 It has a strong sour taste and the image is... drinkable black vinegar😅 I have a review of this precious sake that I carefully nurtured. ⬆️(*_ _)sorry people! I hear a lot about growing it for years. I can't wait this long myself, so it's a valuable experience 😌.
Good evening, Eririn-san! Wow, the pink of the yama-yu ❗ I didn't know it was still around 🎵 It's no longer made a few years ago, so it's an aged sake in the process of maturing 😊. I wonder if the acidity that is typical of Shinmasa has come through maturation.
Hello, ENOSHIMA-san! I'm happy to drink a sake that is not on the market now, but I was asked what I thought of it and I'm stumped (>_<). I couldn't say it has a sour taste, so I called it black vinegar💦. I like sour drinks, but it was too sour😅.