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Keisen純米吟醸 プレッセイ限定品(上毛かるた)壱回火入純米吟醸
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It's been a very long time since I've had a bottle of K Katsuragawa from the very local Yanagisawa Brewery. I happened to drop by Fressey (a local supermarket) and found a limited edition label. The "su" design in the Jomo karuta card game, familiar to Gunma residents, depicts Mount Akagi, our mountain. Akagi, our mountain, is depicted on the label. It is an easy-drinking sake with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Fressey also had a limited edition of 36 bottles with a different label, but since they were the same sake, we decided to go with this one, which was cheaper. The second day was also delicious.