SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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for recording First attempt at doburoku. On the fridge of the store, there was an epitaph that said it was made by a person who trained at "Shinmasa". I thought "Shinmasa" is a brewery that I often hear about in popular sake 😅😅 so I bought it. The bottle is so stylish. It is so dark and cloudy that you can see the grains of rice. When you drink it, you feel the gentle sweetness of the rice and a strong sourness. It's like something between sake and amazake. The wife said she did not like the graininess and sourness. Since the amount was small, I looked it up after finishing the drink and found out that doburoku is delicious even when drunk heated or mixed with something else. Next time, I will try different things. Thank you for the food!