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Mimurosugiロマンシリーズ DIOABITA純米
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Momimuro cedars came to Ibaraki Prefecture. There is no liquor store nearby, and we had to buy this sake in Miyagi or Tochigi prefecture, but it came to Sudou Sake Shop, Bishakudo! It's so good 😋! Beautiful and tasty at the same time! clean and right sake brewing! It's just as they say. This is the third bottle of Mimuro Cedar since the beginning of the year. It's going well. On a side note, a fellow sake drinker asked his daughter, who is going back to her parents' house, to buy him a bottle of Mimuro-Sugi's Bodai-Hashiro Dorohafu and Senkou's Risshun Shibori at Hasegawa Sake Shop! I warned her that she would become a sake connoisseur college girl...