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I wonder what kind of cinnamon would be with the amauros. I don't drink a lot of cinnamon coffee, but cinnamon in craft brews is not so upfront! The strawberry aroma and taste of Amaou is good♪ knowledge The secondary ingredient, Amaou, is strawberries carefully grown at Uruu Farm in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture. This Uruu farm is certified as a special cultivation (called "eco agricultural products" in Fukuoka Prefecture) with a 1% certification rate. They stick to traditional land cultivation and grow strawberries with safe and secure taste and high quality. In this case, fresh ripe Amaou picked in the morning and frozen the same day are used. The other secondary ingredient, cinnamon, comes from Izumiya Rokuji in Itoshima, a famous tourist destination in Fukuoka. In Itoshima, there is a document that states that cinnamon has been cultivated since the Nara period (710-794). Izumiya Rokuji is engaged in the entire process from cultivation to commercialization of agricultural products with the desire to make people beautiful from within and to convey the charm of Itoshima's land and history. The aroma and sweet-sourness of the amaou (sweet red pepper) bring the whole thing together, and the strong flavor is reminiscent of strawberry jam, with the sweet aroma of cinnamon coming through softly afterward. Category: Craft Sake Ingredients: Amao, cinnamon Rice polishing ratio: 92 Alcohol content: 10