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Narutodai水ト米 純米原酒
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★★★★☆ (^^)/ Winner of the 2023 Wineglass Delicious Sake Award Gold Prize (4) (Tokushima) Honke Matsukura Shuzo "Naruto Tai Mizutomizu" Junmai Genzake 720ml (tax included) 1430 yen, room temperature Characteristics: Even though it is a pure sake, it has a light texture with no alcohol spikes. The acidity is soft and gentle.       Chill it well and enjoy it slowly in your favorite glass.       You can also enjoy the change in aroma and taste depending on the temperature. The price is also surprising for a gold medal winner.       (🍷This is not a sparkling type. The taste is highly acclaimed in countries with a wine culture.) [Analysis value]       Rice used : Yamadanishiki, rice for processing (Tokushima) Polishing ratio (Kake rice, Koji rice) 65%, 65       Alcohol percentage: 14.0 - 14.9 Sake meter: ±0 Acidity: 1.2 Amino acidity: 1.2 Yeast: Kyokai 1801