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Kikusui高知直七 氷酒
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It was hot... in May... in Saitama Prefecture too. There were some extremely hot days 🤣. On the last day of GW, I went to a shopping mall on the way home from a movie with my wife. I went to a shopping mall to do some shopping. We wandered around Cardi's. Sake. Ice sake? I thought it would be good when it gets hotter. I tossed it in the back of the basket. I had it waiting in the freezer, but I didn't realize how quickly it would crisp up. It was hot, so I decided to finish it off with a dessert. Adult sherbet Naoshichi is a brand of citrus fruit from Kochi. It's good to have in the freezer from now on. ⭕️ The manufacturer is Kikusui Sake Brewery. No, it's from Kochi, so it's from here.