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٩٩@🍶🍶🍶🍶 Drink and cheer 📣✊! We were served a reconstruction support sake blended by Sakurada Shuzo and Kurumata Shuzo, both of which were severely damaged by the Noto Peninsula earthquake😋. It's a little more refreshing than the usual Hatsuzakura, but has just the right amount of sweetness and rice flavor 👌It's still a delicious sake✨. Next, we warmed it up to lukewarm using the "Kanmakase" sake warming machine we installed this year 😚♨️ The aroma is milder than cold 🤔The sweetness and umami in the mouth is a bit more muted than cold, but the aroma through the nose is much more delicious 😊. It was a cold day today, so I liked it warmed ✨🥰🥰It is a delicious sake that can be enjoyed cold or warmed 🥳👍.
Good evening, Maechen 😃. I see that two sake breweries have teamed up to make a reconstruction support sake ☺️ There are still some cold days and sometimes I miss heated sake 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I see a lot of recovery support sake has been released 😊and there are more collaboration sake coming up between Ishikawa breweries and out of prefecture breweries ✨😚Hot sake 🍶 tastes great on a cold day 😋.