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Sukiyoshin Junmai Ginjyosu Usui Ginjo Sake Sake rice: Yamada Nishiki 100% Fine rice ginjo 60%, alcoholic strength 16° Sake strength +5.5, acidity 1.5 Appearance: thin, creamy white, lightly translucent creamy white with a slight hint of mountain air Viscosity: medium Strength of aroma: medium Complexity: Medium Ginjo Aroma: Pineapple, lactic acid, carbonic acid, rice flavor with peanut Flavor intensity: strong Complexity: on the complex side Sweetness: medium pungent with sweetness Sweetness: Apple Peel Sourness: Lactic Bitterness: Carbonated Flavor: Kombucha Clam Other: slightly delicate bubbly carbonated mouthfeel with apple peel, salty carbonated taste with slight lactic acidity, richness Aftertaste: Medium Finish: Medium 🌟🌟🌟🌟