
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

Sho Chiku Bai
  • Sho Chiku Bai
  • Sho Chiku Bai
  • Sho Chiku Bai
Oct 21, 2022 3:23 AM
ひろし遥瑛チチマル麺酒王山ショウ九蔵つきたてひろうしtakeshonboukenふとくぼ🔰ジェイ&ノビィジャイヴ休肝鳥兄貴酔いどれキリンこぴこぴポンちゃんlaまえちんもよもよ赤兎馬Rafa papaマナチーゆーへージークじこん@水橋Ryu紫の誇Yama2106flos_lingua_estえりりん3KAN4ON酔nosukeうまいうまいしんじょうAlheybowさなDゆう🎶zakyutax777303BEATよいどれ♪Saru808🐒みやぞーひっさん
  • ヰリアム4.25+/5 Another great California saké, crisp and light and smooth and refreshing. Honeydew melon, yellow apple, almond, coconut cream, burnt sugar. Real light body, one of the lightest sakés I’ve had. Clean crisp flavours that feel bright despite the low acidity. A little bit of alcohol flavour but very light. It’s very refreshing with a light and smooth background creaminess. Made using water from California’s Sierra Mountains, another great brew from Sho Chiku Bai USA!

ヰリアム is using Sakenowa. Why don't you start using it too?