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This sake is made by Shibotan, the same company that produces my sake of choice, "Nihon wo Imaichidotte Sentakushimashou. I did not know Ichirei's name, so I ordered it and was served it in a wine glass because "it has a nice aroma. The words and the name are true. Smelling it like wine, the aroma was sweet and rich, reminiscent of flowers. And the taste was dark sweet, as if that impression was made into a liquid. While it is sweet, it does not leave a sticky residue, but rather cuts crisply through the palate while retaining a bit of flavor. It has a slight tangy taste, which may bother some people if drunk on its own. If so, we recommend that you try it with a meal. The aroma is so strong that it may eat away at delicate flavors. Please drink it with something bold.