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Yokoyama Goju純米大吟醸 山田錦純米大吟醸
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Nobuaki Shishido
Nagasaki Prefecture Iki City Ishida Town Shigeya Shuzo Co. Rice polishing ratio 50%. 16% alcohol 100% Yamada Nishiki I had never drunk sake from Nagasaki prefecture, so I got this Yokoyama Goju by paying tax in hometown. Yokoyama is very famous, but it is hard to find in Hokkaido. It has a sweet aroma. The sweetness is not too strong, followed by a light sourness, almost no alcohol, and a clean aftertaste. As you move it around in your mouth, the flavor of the rice expands. The taste is clear and free of miscellaneous flavors. ★★★★☆