SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
amagaeruClear Prototype4 特別頒布会2022 PRIVATE LAB EXTREME純米発泡
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Participating in Matsuzaki's Sake Day commemorative event, though belatedly, and having a kaku-uchi (corner drinking) session in the morning. During the event, you can buy limited-edition sake from Shinmasa, so I took this opportunity to enjoy it! The third glass was a glass of Amanagashi Clear Prototype 4! This is the second sake from the 2022 Special Hanpukai! This is also the fourth stage of the test sake without the oli, and is a precursor to the Prototype 3 we just drank and the 10th anniversary sake we had at the Craft Sake Week! Compared to Prototype 3, it has a completely different taste, not a lactic acidic sweet/amino acidic flavor, but an amino acidic sweet/amino acidic flavor with a sense of maturity. It is delicious in its own way, but it has changed my image of Tenkaeru. The low alcohol content of 10 degrees makes it easy to drink and I was able to drink it easily. Rice polishing ratio : Koji rice 55%, Kake rice 60% (100% Akita Sake Komachi is used) Alcohol content: 10 degrees Celsius