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Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka ⑦ GENBUN" booth. The brewery was founded in 1740, and its brand name comes from this year. The brewery's toji, Mr. Motofumi Hara, was a researcher at Tokyo University of Agriculture who studied Yeastcidin, an antibacterial substance considered essential for the isolation of natural floral yeast. Motobun Hana Yeast Sakura Honjozo This sake won the Grand Prize in the Honjozo and Special Honjozo category of the 2022 National Sake Competition. It is very floral, sweet, gorgeous, and cherry-like. It is fruity, slightly sweet, and gentle on the palate. It's hard to believe it's a honjozo. When I said "floral, floral", bouken told me "you just want to say floral" 🤣. Motobun Tsukishita Bijin Special Junmai with flower yeast It has a nice aroma and a hint of sweetness. Motobun Hana Yeast Abelia Junmai Ginjo This one has less aroma, is the most ordinary, and has less impact. Motobun Hana Yeast Kiku Daiginjo Slightly sweet and refreshing. After the loose umami, there is a slight sourness that complements the umami. I was told that the brewery would be open on the 12th, but when I dropped by, it was closed...