SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
amagaeruPROTOTYPE3 CLEAR純米発泡
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Belatedly participated in the Sake Day event at Third Place and had a corner drink in the morning. During the event, limited-edition sake from Shinmasa is available, so I took this opportunity to try some of the sake that I couldn't buy! The first sake was a prototype of Amanagashi Prototype 3clear! This is a test sake without the oli of the traditional Tenkaeru. The low alcohol content of 9 degrees Celsius and the lactic acid sweetness makes it easy to drink and enjoyable. The label says that it is easier to manage because the oli has been removed, but the umami is weaker. Rice polishing ratio: 55% for koji rice, 60% for kake rice (100% Akita Sake Komachi rice is used) Alcohol content: 9