SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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After all, there is something special about sake that allows you to imagine the place you are visiting, the face of the brewer, and the region where the sake is produced! Kita Sake Brewery, which we visited in the summer during our Omi Sake Brewery Tour in Shiga Prefecture. Unfortunately, the brewery was closed, but I was able to take a commemorative photo, buy some sake at a roadside station, and enjoy drinking it. Later, when I revisited Omi in the fall, I was very impressed by the local people passionately talking about their Kirakucho🍶 love ❤️🍶, and I wanted to buy some next time, so I bought some when I found out there was an opening at the Shiga Prefecture antenna store in Nihonbashi. I was able to meet the president of the company, who is also a tourism ambassador for Higashiomi City! I was able to show him my love for Shiga Prefecture and Omi. I was able to greet the New Year drunk on the "elegant" Kirakucho sake. I would like to drink many kinds of sake this year, too.