SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Butterfly Effect純米吟醸原酒
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A year ago, when I had only been drinking sake for half a year, the owner of the liquor store recommended it to me, and it was so good that I vowed to buy a bottle next year! ...It's been a year since then. It's been a year since then, and it finally went on sale today, so I dashed to the liquor store! I had only been drinking sake for half a year when I was a novice (and I'm still a novice), but I thought it was good sake. ...It's good! I think I'll buy a bottle after I drink it all. LOL! It tastes sweet like honey. Moderate sourness. Also, the bitterness is unexpectedly assertive, so it goes well with sweet dishes like meat and potatoes. I think so. Although it has an alcohol content of 13.5, it has an unexpectedly alcoholic feeling that goes through the nose, but it is not something I dislike. I've been buying a lot of sake from outside the prefecture lately, but I want to buy this one every year.