SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This is a Kyoto-only sake, Setsugetsuka Arashiyama! The name is cool! It looks like the name of a technique in the Ro*saga! I tasted it the other day at a Kyoto product exhibition in a certain place and was so tempted by its rich taste that I bought it. The top aroma has a strong scent of thick Yamadanishiki. The aroma is already rich! Pouring it into a cup, you can feel the thickening of the sake, although it is not a pure sake. When you take a sip, you can taste the mellow rice flavor. It goes down the throat smoothly, but you can feel a strong aftertaste. This is delicious! It was a bit pricey, but you can't go wrong with it! It was a highly satisfying sake 🤗.