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Ine to Agavex土田酒造生酛
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Long time no see Hamamatsu, Sake-no-Kinoshita. The only sake recommended today that I tried by appearance was this craft saké rice and agave sake, which is the only sake offered by this craft saké. It is a collaboration with Gunma's Tsuchida Sake Brewery. It appears to have been made with Association Yeast No. 6 and the raw sake brewing process. We all opened the bottle together, as it was the first time for both of us at the restaurant. After a moment of sweetness, the umami of the rice is conveyed quite well. This might be a bit too much for some people's taste. It might be better if you drink it just before it is heated up. Rice: 100% Akita-produced Sasanishiki rice Polishing ratio 90