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The hard work peak has passed, so I lovingly open my precious Sentori. Kame-no-o has been used since the launch of the Sentori brand and is a symbol of Sentori. It has a powerful flavor. In addition, the Classic Series is brewed with Nama Moto, aiming for a natural taste. It has a sweet and sour taste like lactic acid bacteria and a mineral taste. It fills my heart, which has been damaged by work, to the brim. A few days of tension and a sore stomach. Gentle and low alcohol 14%. Bordeaux wine glass recommended. This time, even though it is a classic series, the quality of the aroma is different. They have revised some of the brewing process and were able to brew a sake that is more in line with their image. I was awake since dawn because of the pressure of work. It was tough, but as long as the sake tastes good now, I feel like I'm still in good shape.
Good morning, marumaruo 😃. It's been a tough job with a lot of pressure 😓Please relax and be healed by Senkou 😌.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I hate to be busy, but I guess that's why we have a great one!