Kitano Kakusei series, a sake planned by Co-op Sapporo. This time, Otokoyama Shuzo brewed this junmai ginjo with ginpu. Isn't the label and all? Cool!
I had heard rumors about it, but forgot to buy it, and when I remembered, it was already gone, but now I finally bought it.
I drank it right away and it tastes fruity and has a strong alcohol taste. It tastes fruity, with a strong alcohol taste, no or very weak acidity, and a pear-like taste. Personally, I think it's the type of sake I would drink with a meal, not just sake or with light snacks.
Kamikawa Taisetsu has been the talk of the town when it comes to modern sake from Hokkaido, but this one is also quite tasty. It looks good, too, so it's okay if people start drinking sake from here. But even if people start with sake from here, I wonder if Co-op Sapporo will be able to provide a similar sake quality answer next time.