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Another unusual sake from Kitano! MOTOKARA is a test brewed sake from Kamaya in Saitama. Usually sake is made by pressing the unrefined sake. This time, the sake was brewed in a different way. Rare sake oak I think there were only 150 bottles of this size (300ml) 😅. I bought it at Yokouchi-san along with Takachiyo and Kawanakajima. The taste is... The aroma is like a ripe banana or melon. If it's bad, it's semedyne. Hmmm 😅. I think semedyne might be more fitting 😅 The drink is a sweet white wine. It has a high acidity of 6.2, but the sweetness prevails, making it very easy to drink. I'm also convinced that it has a sake content of -24.0. Today I tried a little bit of the wine. I think it will be gone tomorrow😁.