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WAKAZEBarrel ~Cognac~
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It was one of the choices available in the grab bag. It is the 2nd lot of ORBIA CRONOS which was sold only 20 pieces. It is aged in cognac barrels. But I'm not very good at cognac, so I can't describe it... lol It looks like a thick noble wine, and the aroma is so thick that it reminds you of cheese for a moment. The moment you put it in your mouth, the condensed aroma, sweetness, and flavor explode, and your mouth gets congested. LOL! However, after that, the traffic jam was cleared smoothly and the aftertaste lasted for a long time. It is recommended to drink it chilled. You should taste it with a soft touch first and then gradually bring the temperature back to room temperature. When it's close to room temperature, the aromas and flavors show up in crazy intensity, so it's best to enjoy that!