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町田酒造特別純米55 五百万石 限定にごり特別純米
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Nobuaki Shishido
Maebashi, Gunma Machida Sake Brewery Co. Five million stones 100%. 16% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 55%. unfiltered (e.g. alcohol) Japanese Sake meter reading -1 The season of Machida has come again this year. For the next 4 months, Machida will be open to the public. The first one is "Five Million Goku"! This year, it's all cloudy! And a square! Nigori is so popular that it sells out quickly. The cork is not dignified and the cork pops with a nice champagne-like sound. It's fragrant and has a great fizzy texture. It's a cider for adults. You can't help but gulp it down. I bought it for New Year's Day, but I don't know if I'll have any left until New Year's.