SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
媛一会小槽搾り 円月 純米吟醸 一度火入純米吟醸
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日本酒立呑みバー 正杜屋
This is a comparison of "Ehime Ikkai". It is calmer than the unfiltered sake we had earlier, probably because it was aged for a year after it was burned. But the taste is similar to this one. It's a very elegant and sweet taste. But the aroma and the complexity of this sake is less than that of unfiltered syochu liqueur. Sadako Maki from "Arrietty the Borrower", which is the same as unfiltered raw sake in Ghibli. She is the great aunt of the protagonist, Sho. It doesn't look as complicated as it did earlier, so here's the scene at the beginning of the film where she's driving a Mercedes. The charm hasn't been shown yet. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.