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AramasaNo.6 R-type純米生酒
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Finally, we opened a bottle of No.6 at our house. I had it for the first time when I traveled to Akita, and I was shocked by it. Since then, I tried to find a shop where I can drink it, but they don't have it in the country. I was not able to get it or even drink one. The other day I was finally able to get my hands on a bottle, and I opened it without hesitation. I think it is characterized by the freshness unique to nama-shu and the clean, crisp aftertaste of the Shinsei magic. It is surprisingly light. The Rtype has a white wine taste while retaining its sake character, but I wonder how much clearer the Stype and Xtype will be. It's fun just to imagine. NO.6 should be drunk only by sake beginners... However, it has become so rare that even if I recommend it to beginners, they can't get it...it's sad.