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Kujira純米原酒 一火原酒
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It is a sake named after a place in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture, where Chiyo Sake Brewery is located. Like Kushira, Gosho is a town with many difficult-to-read place names. For example, Bunze, Iuka, and Saragi. Gosho is a nice and peaceful place nestled in the bosom of the Katsuragi and Kongo mountains. Aburanaga-san of Kaze no Mori is also a sake brewer in Gosho. I guess it's a good place for sake brewing😋. It's been a while since I've had a Kushira, but it's dry and full of rice flavor. It's delicious 😆. I would like everyone to try it along with Chiyo's other brand "Shinomine" 👍.
Thank you very much, Yama~ . 😊 Gosho is the place where I started my working life. I will continue to enjoy the sake from the land of my memories😋. I'm sure you'll enjoy it too!