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Benten純米大吟醸 四割八分磨き生原酒 亀の尾 100%純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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The store owner told me that the flavor would come through if I let it sit for a few months. I bought two bottles by mistake, so I opened the bottle to try it out. When I opened the bottle, I was greeted with a new aroma. The aroma is not assertive, but it has a sweet aroma like syrup, followed by a weak sour aroma like dried plums. The taste is also complex. It starts with a sweet white wine, followed by sourness and weak bitterness. The taste is strong~. When paired with shredded cabbage dressed with salted sesame oil, the sweetness increases and the wine becomes more drinkable as the corners are removed. However, some bitterness remains. When paired with poached Pacific cod, it has a strong flavor that is not defeated. However, the aftertaste of the fish is washed away, and you can eat it with a new feeling. I'm going to drink it after I let it sit at the end of the year!